The command line format is: WAV FILE /AVE,SPEED,FREQ/ where, FILE is the text input file name(s). If the Extention is blank, .KB is assumed. The name can contain Alphabetic, numeric, - (minus), _ (underline), and the wild card symbols * and ?.; AVE is the average sending speed generated (Farnsworth method); SPEED is the character speed of the note generated; and FREQ is the frequence of the note generated in the WAV file. For example, WAV 1B* /13,18,730/ would generate WAV files for all input files starting with 1B (and an assumed file extention of .KB), using a 730 Hz note with a character speed of 18 wpm and an average sending speed of 13 wpm (defaults). See http://www.AH0A.ORG/WAVGEN/index.html for complete documentation. This is version 2.0a of WAVGEN, copyright July 1999, J. Speroni,AH0A